National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA)
15-31 of July 2016
(Friday arrival / Sunday departure)
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Summer School Team:
Dariya ORLOVA, Kyiv-Mohya School of Journalism
Johann ZAJACZKOWSKI, Lecturer of the Robert-Bosch-Foundation
Larysa CHOVNYUK, Head of the NaUKMA International Office
Nadiya TRACH, NaUKMA International Office
Application deadline:
International applicants: 1 May 2016
Ukrainian applicants: 1 June 2016

After Revolution of Dignity (2013-2014), Ukraine has been involved in hybrid warfare with Russian Federation that caused human catastrophe, especially in the East of Ukraine. Nevertheless, the protest has great influence on the development of political life and civic activities in the country. Current reforms in Ukraine transform the state system in different spheres – from introducing of new police to changing the symbols in public spaces. Key words that can describe current situation are as following: (de)centralization, (de)sovietization, (de)oligarchization, (de)communization, (de)statization etc. Hence, putting in brackets –de prefix means that process of reforms is complicated and ambivalent. If in some cities, as for instance, in Lviv, the process of decentralization goes successfully, in other places long process of central-oriented power plays the key role. As recent local elections in October 2015, have shown, political actors that were at the political stage before the Revolution of Dignity, still are decisive, since young politicians gained small percentage of voices, moreover, Ukrainian society became more apathical about election process and political life in general. The process of deoligarchization, on the other hand, shows resistance of the system that functions for many years and transforms to the battle between oligarchs and the state. Within the process of decommunization the statues of Lenin fall down all over the country, new heroes and symbols of Maidan are introduced in public spaces; the streets, towns and even cities transform their names, since East-South regions still demonstrate the Soviet-times nostalgy, keeping Soviet symbols in cityscapes.
The following questions are important to be discussed during summer school: How do the reforms in Ukraine change the perception of the country by Europeans? How are the ideas of Revolution of Dignity implied in current reforms, in civil and political life? How does current hybrid war change civic consciousness and political choices in Ukraine? What does make reforms to be successfully implemented in the state of real war in the country? What social and political transformations do demonstrate European choice of Ukraine?
Therefore, the aim of the school is to inform participants about reforms in contemporary Ukraine in different spheres, mainly in politics, and economy, give them experts' analytical review of the current changes. In the frame of this school other topics of transformation can be discussed, for instance destatization of mass-media sector and decommunization of public space. At the end of the school participants on the base of their gained knowledge and interviews with experts will make a journalistic product (newspaper articles). The best articles will be published in well-known Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Post. Teachers of Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism as well as the representatives of Kyiv Post also will provide master-classes for the participants, giving them knowledge about successful journalistic strategies of writing. During summer school visiting other cities is also planned. Probably, participants will visit Lviv to see process of decentralization and development of local government, as well as to have additional journalism training in School of Journalism of Ukrainian Catholic University. We think also about such cities as Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk to give the participants field and experts to explore subject of deoligarchization in these regions.
This is the 5th this type of the Summer School NaUKMA is organizing. Last year we decided to change our approach to the school - we realized that it is necessary to start talking with Ukraine, not only about Ukraine. Therefore, in this Summer School, the same as in the previous one, we invite Ukrainian students as full participants.
Last year we also decided that the Summer School needs to take our participants to different regions of Ukraine. Therefore, this year both the Ukrainian and the international participants are going to multiple-day research trips apart from Kyiv, to the towns of Dnipropetrovsk, east of Ukraine, Odessa, south of Ukraine, and Lviv, west of Ukraine as a search for the local pecularities of democratic reforms going on in the country. They will take a look at the reception and evaluation democratization in different spheres, as well as the question how laws on reforms, are implemented in concrete regions.
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School Prerequisites
International Participants
- dedicated Students with an educational background in broadly understood Humanities or Social Sciences, with basic theoretical or practical interest about Eastern European Countries in general or about Ukraine in particular
- young next-generation journalists
- people engaged in civil society
Ukrainian Participants
- students of social sciences, international relations, humanities, journalism who are interested in coming together with international students and willing to contribute to the Summer School with their knowledge and their intimate expertise on the subjective perceptions regarding the developments in the country since the Revolution of Dignity.
- strong knowledge of English is absolutely required
School Organization
Since academic knowledge alone is of no great value, Summer School follows the dualistic content and combines theoretical and practical elements.
It is divided into four parts.
1. Part: Basic knowledge
The first part tends to impart political knowledge that is relevant to the subject of the school: Which impediments and problems challenge the transformation of the political system of the Ukraine? Which impact did the former revolutions had on the country? To what extend are the developments in Ukraine influenced by its economics, social values, history?
Apart from this rather classical and seminar-style transfer of knowledge the participants will also receive illustrative knowledge in panel discussions with activists, students, teachers from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy as well as other civil actuvusts. This will be the topical point of departure, providing a Kyiv-based view on the current political and economic. Moreover, there will be a guided tour to the Maidan and some more.
2. Part: Practical knowledge and preparation for the research trip
The second part is all about media, organized Mohyla School of Journalism.The participants are intended to critically reflect the media coverage of their own country and provide a media analysis. This will be conducted in small workshops to diverse sub-topics, together with Ukrainian journalists from famous English-published newspaper Kyiv Post, media-researchers and sociologists as well as activists (stop-fake.org etc.). Moreover, the participants will get an insight into the art of journalism in this part and perform the necessary preparation for the upcoming research trip in the regions: what makes a report a good report, what is to be thought of during interviews with interpreters as well as the more organizational aspects: hedging of the research topic, preparation of the interviews, contact to the universities in the regions and so on. Participants will be expected to work on the group (mixed group of Ukrainian and international participants).
3. Part: Research Trip
The research trip will take place in the third part. Lviv will
represent the western part of the country, and Odessa the southern
part of Ukraine, and Dnipropetrovsk the southern one. The participants are divided into 3 groups (the question about the desired destination will appear in the application form. If there will be more participants to one destination, than another, school organizers will arrange the proportional division. Changes of the research trip destination will be possible only under the situation of interchange with other school participant) and travel together into the cities mentioned above. During the project-planning, their task is to prepare the research trips (selection of the participating students, preparation of the interview appointments, topical research and so on). During the trip, the Ukrainian participants will act as guides and interpreters and are going to provide first-hand knowledge due to the research topic.
4. Part: Writing Workshop and Synthesis
After the return of the participants to Kyiv, it is time for the last part of the Summer School – under the framework of a writing workshop the results of the research trip are gathered, compared, matched with one another, extended, discussed and finally transferred into different formats (report, interview, experience-report and so on). On the final day of the School the participants will present
Day-by-day Summer School
15 th of July – welcoming party for participants
16 th of July – introduction to Kyiv city
17 th of July – introduction to Ukrainian economy, politics and society, lectures
18 th of July - introduction to Ukrainian economy, politics and society, lectures
19 th of July - introduction to Ukrainian economy, politics and society, lectures, decision on the topic of research
20 th of July – journalism training in Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism
21st of July – journalism training by Kyiv Post journalists
22 th of July – free day for exploring Kyiv
23 th of July – travelling to other cities (Odesa, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk)
24 th of July – introduction to the city
25 th of July – meeting with experts in other cities on the issues of decentralization, desovietization and deoligarchization
26 th of July – meeting with local journalists and civil society activists
27 th of July – free day to explore city and to write projects
28 th of July – returning to Kyiv
29 th of July – individual consultations, writing projects
30 th of July – presentation of project and final party
31 st of July – departure of participants
In case of full attendance of, and active participation in, these lectures/seminars, students may obtain 2.5 ECTS points.
Arrival in Kyiv
Students are expected to arrive in Kyiv on Friday, July 15. Pick-up service from Boryspil International Airport, Kyiv International Airport or Kyiv Railway Station can be arranged by the school organizers upon request for additional payment.
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Departure is Sunday, July 31.
Place In Kyiv
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) is located in the historic Podil neighborhood of Kyiv. The campus is located on 3 city blocks stretching from the Kontraktova Square to the Dnipro river.
Please visit ukma.edu.ua for more information about the University and dfc.ukma.edu.ua for the NaUKMA international activities.
Places in Lviv, Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk
To be announced.
Accommodation in Kyiv
School organizers will suggest the students these types of accommodation:
• Youth Hostel
Summer School students are advised to consider accommodation at the Dream House Youth Hostel. Hostel was opened in April 2012 and it claims to become one of the most modern hostels in Kyiv. It is located on famous Andriyvskyy Uzviz street and it takes about 5 minutes to get to NaUKMA from the hostel. This accommodation option is highly recommended!
Please note that the Summer School students are responsible for their own reservations at the hostel, though the school organizers, upon getting permissions, can provide contact details of the selected school participants for the possibility to arranged shared rooms / apartments.
• Private apartment. Apartments are usually located in walking (up to 15 minutes) distance from the University and from each other. The apartments have typically 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. All apartments are furnished, and include kitchen supplies, towels, utilities, and a local telephone (outgoing international calls are not allowed). It is recommended for two school participants to share one apartment. Apartments may cost (if to be shared by two participants!) – around 450-500 UAH per night per person, depending on the quality of the apartment.
• If preferred, you can arrange accommodation in Kyiv by yourself. We would recommend rent apartments either in the Podil district or close to it, in order to avoid using public transportation during the rush hours.
Accommodation in Lviv, Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk
Accommodation will be arranged by the school partners in the cities.
Transportation to Lviv, Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk
Transportation to Rivne and Mykolaiv will be arranged by the school organizers.
Meals (but welcome and farewell event) will not be provided, but Summer School students will be able to use the NaUKMA students canteen (45-350 UAH for lunch), the nearest Trapezna or Puzata Khata cafeterias (about 80 UAH for lunches) and many other options available in the University neighborhood. A list of restaurants / cafes in Kyiv can be found on http://www.restaurant.ua/kiev/restoran/
Applicants are asked to inform themselves extensively about living and traveling for foreigners in Ukraine. While Kyiv is not more dangerous than other cities in the region, we would like to alert you to occasional petty crime in public transportation, the presence of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine, and the necessity to boil tap water that you want to use for drinking or preparing meals. In the case of a medical emergency, Kyiv has high class hospitals, but you should make sure you have sufficient health insurance that will cover any possible expenses. There are other things to observe. You can find in the relevant information in the major travel guides, or/and at your Kyiv embassy’s website.
International applicants
Those interested in participation should submit a competed application form and other required documents (listed in the application form) by 1 May 2016
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(please note that in addition to the google form you should send the supporting documents, mentioned in the form on larch@ukma.edu.ua also by 1 May the latest).
Students will be notified of participant selection results by 15 May 2016, and should confirm their participation by 31 May 2016.
Course fee payments (partial) are due by 30 June 2016 (payment details will be provided upon receipt of confirmation of participation in the course).
Ukrainian applicants
Please submit your application for participation (letter of motivation and CV) to on larch@ukma.edu.ua. Deadline for applications: 11 July 2016
All questions about the course and the application procedure should be addressed to: Larysa Chovnyuk, larch@ukma.edu.ua, tel. +38 0 44 425 77 70.