08.11.05 |
Two Ukrainian representatives from the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (KMA) are visiting the School of Telecommunications, Ohio University
Ohio University team continues to help develop free press in Ukraine
OCTOBER 24, 2005 – Two Ukrainian representatives from the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (KMA) are visiting the School of Telecommunications for two months this fall to continue the three-year Ohio University/KMA Linkage project.
The project, a curriculum development and training initiative designed to assist independent media development in Ukraine, began last fall after receiving funding from the United States State Department Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs.
Dmytro “Dima” Kochynskyy, manager for the Ukraine side, explained that his country needed new teaching techniques and new ways of dealing with journalism.
“After gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine went through the turmoil of the corrupt government and pressure on the journalists,” he said. “The old system of journalist education was based on old soviet propaganda-philology structure where journalists would be taught to be good writers rather then good journalists serving the public.”
Yevgen Fedchenko, director of Ukraine only graduate journalism program at KMA said graduate students will now be taught more practical techniques after receiving basic news writing skills as undergraduates.
“The undergraduates study for five years,” he said. “They are mainly engaged in non-media related activities: literature and language courses. But we make another emphasis, that they be good at gathering information, processing information and delivering that information. It gives us a larger view of journalism and how communication can be taught.”
For year two of the project, Kolchynskyy and Fedchenko are in Athens until mid-November working with telecommunications professors and staff members.
“They are here to observe classes and to talk about our curriculum to see how we teach production skills and telecommunication skills,” said Eric Williams, assistant professor of telecommunications and manager of the Linkage project for the Ohio side.
The knowledge they gain will be used to enhance two Winter Quarter courses, one of which will allow Professor Don Flournoy to teach students in the Ukraine without his leaving the U.S.
Flournoy will teach TCOM 367: Global Media Systems together with Kolchynskyy each Monday and Wednesday.
The 22 Ohio students and 22 KMA students will convene at a time when both groups can meet via the Internet, 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m., respectively. The KMA course is called International Media Systems.
The other course being developed for Winter Quarter, Production, Post-production and Editing, will be restructured and taught by Williams and Fedchenko in Ukraine.
In addition to dealing with curriculum, the team is also making sure the technology is in order. Earlier this month, Kolchynskyy and Flournoy hosted a two-way satellite video conference among students from Flournoy World Media class, students from KMA and Ukrainian media professionals for about an hour. The Ukrainian participants met at the US embassy in Kiev. Their meeting was a chance for both groups to discuss the possibility of creating public television in Ukraine.
Last week, a donated switcher was tested to make sure it was compatible with cameras from both countries. Williams explained they are dealing with two types of video formats. The United States uses National Television System Committee (NTSC), while Ukraine uses Phase-Alternating Line (PAL).
“The switcher is used to switch from camera to camera, to fade to black and to put the over the shoulder graphics behind the reporter, that kind of stuff,” Williams said. “So basically, a newsroom may have three to four cameras in the studio, and the switcher allows the control room to switch from one camera to the other, or from a camera to a tape player, with a push of a button. Here is the problem: The cameras and tape players are either NTSC or PAL. The switcher that we have, which was confirmed by our test, only works with NTSC.”
Williams said the team is currently researching how to adapt the NTSC switcher to work with PAL equipment in Ukraine.
Development for the Linkage project started in 2002, when Kolchynskyy was a Muskie Freedom Support Act Fellow (a program sponsored by the U.S. government) at the School of Telecommunications. He, Flournoy and Joe Richie wrote the proposal for this $247,000 grant. Richie was the previous manager for the Ohio side. Their proposal was one of only four grants out of 102 applicants focusing on Eurasia (Central and Eastern Europe and Western Asia ) selected for funding.
Since the beginning of the program, several Ohio University professors have traveled to Ukraine to do their part. Richie taught Media Management, Ben Schneider went as a technical consultation, Assitant Professor Frederick Lewis taught Documentary for TV and Assistant Professor of Journalism Mary Rogus conducted two workshops for 26 media specialists, who were mainly journalists.
“The idea had a really good timing because the U.S. government was willing to invest into free press and media in Ukraine , and we at KMA had the structure established for those investments,” Kolchynskyy said.
After the victorious “Orange Revolution” and the developing strategies picked up at Ohio University, journalists in Ukraine have more freedom and protection, Fedchenko said.
“Now journalists can write what they consider the news,” he said. “Journalists in the past have been killed, and there was never much of an investigation. It is a good moment for change.”
According to Fedchenko, approximately 40 journalists were killed in Ukraine between 1991 and 2003.
- Arian Smedley
College of Telecommunications site
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1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded
2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests