Coming to NaUKMA
Going abroad from NaUKMA
NaUKMA International Projects
NaUKMA welcomes international students and faculty!
- Why to come to NaUKMA
- International students /
Іноземні студенти

- Ukrainian as a Foreign Language
- Courses Taught in English
- NaUKMA International Summer Programs
- Practical Information
- Information for Universities - NaUKMA Partners within Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA 171 Programme
NaUKMA encourages its students and faculty to get international experience!
- Для чого потрібен академічний досвід за кордоном?
- Програми навчання і стажування, ініційовані НаУКМА
- Інші програми навчання, стажування, проведення досліджень
- Основні документи для навчання за кордоном
- Корисні посилання
NaUKMA has well established tradition of being part of diverse international Associations, Groups and Networks, both on the central and on the faculty / department levels.
- NaUKMA in International Associations, Groups and Networks
- NaUKMA in International Rankings
- NaUKMA International Joint Degree Programs
- NaUKMA International Projects and Grants
- Нові грантові можливості
Latest News & Events
31.10.24  |   УВАГА! Терміновий набір на мобільність до Leipzig University
До 4 листопада 2024 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Лейпцизького університету (Німеччина). Кому: бакалаври та магістри НаУКМА. Доступні програми: всі...
28.10.24  |   To the attention of graduate students and postdocs. Study and internships at the Berlin university
The Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives offers scholarships for graduate students and postdocs of all fields coming...
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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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