News & Events
12.08.08  |   Address of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University to the European and US Universities
Dear Colleagues,

Georgian state is facing a major threat today. As you all know, Russia purposefully continues aggressive military campaign against Georgia and is openly trying to completely annex our country. Western values, which have been nurtured and protected by Georgia for years, is now being sacrificed to the imperial plans of Russian Federation.
Conflict provoked by separatists and Russian military units is a precondition to draw Georgia to a full-scale war. Despite the fact that Georgian authorities made a decision to immediately cease fire in South Ossetia, the breakaway region, regular army of Russian Federation continues military intervention into Georgia. The aggressors are trying to bring down Georgian sovereignty by demonstrating and practicing its military power over Georgians. Russia is bombing the whole territory of Georgia and its civilian population. The camps of Georgian reservist army, which among others include our students, are being constantly attacked. Russia acts as an inhuman state which does not care for the losses among peaceful population. Thousands of children, youngsters, women and the elderly are being killed as a consequence of Russian military raids. By broadcasting forged information, Russian mass media is trying to mislead the international community. Georgian government is taking every effort to protect its population from the aggressors.
In the 21st century, when the whole world is fighting against international terrorism and seeks peaceful relations between the states, Russia is openly ignoring the civilized laws of world order.
In this unfair battle today Georgia is in need of support from world community to protect sovereign rights and liberties. Though number of statements in support of Georgia has already been made by numerous states and international organizations, Russia does not change its plan. More active involvement of world community is required to stop this barbarian act.
Therefore, we urge you to express your protest against Russian military intervention which endangers not only Georgia but also international peace and security.
We consider it the duty of Tbilisi State University to mobilize intellectual power for protecting Georgian state interests against Russian aggression.
In this decisive moment of fight for independence and freedom we hope that the world university community will protest against Russia’s wide-scale military campaign aiming at the annihilation of Georgian state.
Professor Dr. Giorgi KHUBUA

Tbilisi State University,

August 11,
Tbilisi Georgia

25.01.25  |   Віртуальна мобільність до Justus-Lieblig-Universität Gießen
До 20 лютого 2024 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Гіссенського університету (Німеччина). Кому: бакалаврам, магістрам та аспірантам НаУКМА. Доступні програми: Усі,...
02.01.25  |   Мобільність до Університету Гранади IT співробітників НаУКМА
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27.12.24  |   NaUKMA students are invited to join the University of Toronto ONLINE 5th Annual Global Learning Case Competition
NaUKMA Bachelor and/or Master students are invited to participate in the University of Toronto 5th Annual Global Learning Case Competition (GLCC), happening virtually from February 18 to 20, 2025....
20.12.24  |   NaUKMA students invited to join the one-week Interdisciplinary College (IK) 2025 at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
NaUKMA Bachelor, Master or PhD students (for Bachelor and Master level - female students only, if students would leave for participation from Ukraine) are invited to join the one-week Interdisciplinary College (IK) 2025 at the University of Bielefeld, Germany in March 2025. Scholarship for participation is available. ...
16.12.24  |   Мобільність до European University Viadrina
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12.12.24  |   УВАГА! Терміновий набір на мобільність до Рурського університету, м. Бохум
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19.11.24  |   Мобільність до Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
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11.11.24  |   Мобільність до Institut Supérieur de l’Electronique et du Numérique Campus de Toulon
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11.11.24  |   Мобільність до Рурського університету, м. Бохум
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11.11.24  |   Мобільність до University of Saarland
До 25 листопада 2024 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Саарландського університету (м. Саарбрюкен, Німеччина) Кому: бакалаврам та магістрам НаУКМА. Доступні програми:...


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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