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14.11.08  |   In NaUKMA on November 14th a conference “EU-Ukraine: Members or Neighbours” will be held according to the University of Oxford standards
On November 14th a conference will be held according to the University of Oxford standards

Time and place of the conference: 14 November 2008, from 9:00 till 18:00 o’clock

Place: Staroakademichny Building of NaUKMA, Congregation Hall (2 Skovorody Street)

On 14 November 2008 a conference will take place in Kyiv titled “EU-Ukraine: Members or Neighbours”. The Oxford University Ukrainian Society and the National University of ‘Kyiv-Mohyla
Academy’ are the organisers of the conference.

The main aim of the series of conferences organised by the Oxford University Ukrainian Society is to improve the level of education in Ukraine by way of holding academic debates as practiced at one of the oldest universities in the world- the University of Oxford. The first discussion theme is the process
of Ukraine’s integration to the European Union.

The conference is set as a discussion and is rather unusual for Ukraine; however such format is widely practiced in the United Kingdom. The format is the following:
• The conference will be opened with the speech by the Director of the British Ukrainian Society, Roman Shpek, who for some eight years served as Ukraine’s representative to the European Union.
• The conference will consist of four panels: Economic Issues, Social Policy Issues and two panels covering Political Issues. The panels will consist of: one moderator and two-three academic expertdiscussants.
Three to four graduate students will present their theses on each panel. Each presentation will be no longer then 10-15 minutes, followed by expert discussion of each paper. Each panel will conclude with an open to the public question and answer period.
• The conference will end with an open discussion session between all participants and attendees and
will be coordinated by the three above mentioned moderators who in summary will point out the most prevalent themes in their respective panels.
Given format encourages consistent dialogue between students, professors and experts and increases the effectiveness of the presentations due to immediate feedback. In addition, such structure helps presenters to learn how to form and sustain an argument.

The working language of the conference is English.

For questions relating to the conference, please email

For media accreditation and also to receive information on the activities of the Oxford University Ukrainian Society, please contact Olena Boytsun

To guarantee a seat at the conference, we encourage you to register with Tamara Martsenyuk at

Conference partners:
British-Ukrainian Society, Student Brotherhood of NaUKMA

Conference Sponsors: Polish Institute (, Open Ukraine Foundation (, EU-Ukraine Business Council (, European Union National Institute for Culture (

Additional Information
• The annual conference “EU-Ukraine: Members or Neighbours” is held in two bi-annual sessions: the first session was held in Oxford in June 2008, in November 2008 the conference would
be held in Kyiv for the firs time. In June 2008 the graduate students of the leading European universities (Oxford, Cambridge, London, Berlin) presented their research on the subject of Ukraine’s relations with the European Union. The conference in Oxford was opened by the remarks of Richard
Spring MP, who is the Chairman of the British Ukrainian Society.
• The Oxford University Ukrainian Society was established in 2004. The Society unites students and alumni of the University of Oxford who take part in the economic and social development
of Ukraine. The Society undertakes several projects including ‘Oxford Volunteers for Chornobyl’, analytical and educational programs.
• The National University of ‘Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’ is one of the leading universities in Ukraine. University’s development strategy is to increase its international cooperation, including support of quality education and research, as well as to enable greater mobility of students and

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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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