10.06.14 |
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv is announcing Foreign National Student Intern Program for Fall 2014 - exclusive opportunity for the NaUKMA students!
General Information about the Program:
The Foreign National Student Intern Program is designed for students who are non-U.S. citizens seeking internships with U.S. Missions abroad. The program benefits both posts and students by providing the foreign national students with valuable educational experience in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and by assisting post in accomplishing its mission goals. The purpose of the Foreign Student Intern Program is to offer students the challenge of working in a foreign affairs arena and at the same time profit by their assistance. There are no benefits attached to this internship and no compensation, no any further employment rights.
Only non-U.S. citizen students are eligible for the intern program – this includes any non-Ukrainian foreign nationals who are legal resident students in Ukraine. Such non-host country foreign national students are required to submit the same documentation as the other applicants, plus proof that they are residing legally in the host-country (Ukraine).
All potential interns should meet the following eligibility criteria:
- The intern program applicants must be at least 18 years of age at the time of appointment;
- An intern must be in good academic standing;
- An intern should be a student, currently enrolled in continuing education;
- An intern must be able to receive mandatory security certification and medical certification.
How to apply for the internship in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv:
1) Resume and cover letter;
2) Copy of official transcript from the university;
3) Copy of Ukrainian passport (for non-host country students copy of residency permit and passport);
4) Memo from the university to confirm student’s current enrollment into educational program (NaUKMA students should address NaUKMA International Office, Liliya Motiets);
Human Resources Office: KyivHR@state.gov,
Subject: Application for internship September 14 – March 15, NaUKMA
Deadline for applications: 18 June 2014
U.S. Embassy in Kyiv offers the following intern vacancies:
1. Intern in Regional Security Office (RSO)
Requirements: 1) English at level III (good working knowledge); 2) strong computer skills preferred.
Job summary: The intern will assist in the publication of an RSO security handbook and other security educational materials for the Embassy community, overseas security American community (OSAC) and greater American community. S/he will draft reports/cables to the department on crime and security-related issues affecting the Embassy community in Ukraine; will assist RSO staff in mission-wide drills and contingency planning, updating post’s emergency action plan (EAP) and DS investigative database records; provide planning, logistics, and administrative support to OSAC and Embassy security and police liaison meetings and visiting VIP delegations to Ukraine.
2. Intern in Public Affairs Section (PAS)
Requirements: 1) English at level III (good working knowledge); 2) Good writing skills and technical experience in the following areas is preferred: web-site development, social/new media, and photo and video editing.
Job summary: The intern will work in all units of the Public Affairs Section, to include the Press, Cultural and Grants Offices. The incumbent will work closely with the New Media Unit of the Press Team including work on the Embassy’s blog, researching and preparing materials to post on Facebook and the new educational resources wiki, in addition to assisting with photography and video editing. Will also work with the Windows on America program to set up video conferences.Intern may also assist PAS Kyiv staff in organizing programs such as conferences, seminars, and visits by U.S. speakers and specialists; may be asked to do outreach to student audiences.Will perform other duties as needed.
3. Intern in Economic Section
Requirements: 1) English at level III (good working knowledge); 2) Good writing and analytical skills.
The intern will support multiple portfolios in the Economic section. A typical assignment in the Economic section includes research to complete a specific project of interest to the section, working with officers on a range of economic issues (trade, labor, macro-economic policy, etc.) and taking on some general tasks such as responding to correspondence and assisting visitors. A more experienced student might be able to assist with formatting fact sheets and presentations from key sectors and portfolios. S/he will perform other duties as needed.
Additional information
Internship is open exclusively for the NaUKMA students.
The internship will run from September 2014 through March 2015.
The maximum duration will be 6 months (September-February), minimum duration is 3 months. For those interns who will work less than 6 months, the start date could be pushed back to October or November, if necessary.
More details about the job will be discussed during the interview. As for the working schedule it could be part-time, exact number of hours per week could be negotiated with the hiring office.
The deadline for applications is 18 June 2014.

14.03.25 | |
Програма менторства для PhD студентів і молодих викладачів НаУКМА від ARQUS
Альянс європейських університетів ARQUS запрошує молодих PhD студентів і молодих викладачів/дослідників НаУКМА долучитися до програми менторства Arqus Mentoring Programme for Early-Stage Researchers 2025-2026 ...
14.03.25 | |
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Можливості вивчення і вдосконалення іноземних мов з ARQUS для студентів і співробітників НаУКМА
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11.03.25 | |
Мобільність до University of Helsinki
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09.03.25 | |
Британсько-українська програма академічного менторства відкрита для викладачів НаУКМА
Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" доєднався до Британсько-української програма академічного менторства (UK-Ukraine Academic Mentoring Scheme)!
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27.02.25 | |
УВАГА! Мобільність до University of Bielefeld
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14.02.25 | |
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1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded
2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests