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28.10.04  |   До уваги БАКАЛАВРІВ 4 р. н. !!! OSI/FCO CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS - MASTER degree at the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Deadline: November 26, 2004

Deadline: November 26, 2004

The International Renaissance Foundation welcomes applications from citizens of Ukraine for the OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships 2005-2006, which are jointly funded by the Open Society Institute and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The scholarships are intended to provide opportunities for postgraduate study in selected fields in the United Kingdom for scholars and young professionals.

The scholarships cover all university and college fees, travel to and from the UK, and basic living expenses for a single person.

Within the Scholarship Scheme the following options are available:

OPTION ONE: Nine-month Research Scholarships at the University of Oxford (October 2005 to June 2006 inclusive) for postgraduate research contributing towards a doctoral degree in the candidate’s home institution. These awards may be held for study in the Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences. These scholarships do not allow scholars to register for a degree at the University.

OPTION TWO: One-year Scholarships to read for a Master’s degree. (Byzantine Studies M.St., Comparative Social Policy M.Sc., Criminology and Criminal Justice M.Sc., Economic and Social History M.Sc., Economics for Development M.Sc., English M.St., Environmental Studies (Biodiversity, Conservation & Management M.Sc., Environmental Change and Management M.Sc., Nature, Society & Environmental Policy M.Sc.; or Water Science, Policy & Management M.Sc.), Magister Juris., European Literature M.St., Forced Migration M.Sc., General Linguistics and Comparative Philology M.St., Greek/Latin Languages and Literature M.St., Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management M.Sc., Jewish Studies M.St., Management Research MSc, Modern History M.St., Modern Jewish Studies M.St., Oriental Studies, Philosophical Theology M.St., Science & Religion M.St., Slavonic Studies M.St., Social Anthropology M.Sc., Sociology M.Sc., Theology M.St. and Women’s Studies M.St.)
Please note: for this option, applicants must apply independently for admission to the University through the Graduate Admissions Office; this is in addition to the Scholarship application, which must be submitted to the local foundation. The final closing date for graduate admissions applications to arrive in Oxford is 14th January 2005.

OPTION THREE: Three-month Research Scholarships in Applied Social Studies at the University of Oxford for officials, experts or consultants working for governmental or public bodies who wish to do research on a topic of direct relevance to the development or functioning of that body.

OPTION FOUR: Twelve-month scholarships to read for an MA in Political Philosophy (The Idea of Toleration) at the University of York (October 2005 to September 2006 inclusive).

Applicants (under 35 years of age on 1 October 2005) must have completed at least four years of university study, and have obtained, or expect to obtain, the appropriate degree(s) by September 2005. Applicants will be required to have passed IELTS or TOEFL.

For further information, please contact the Department for Foreign Cooperation!

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02.01.25  |   Мобільність до Університету Гранади IT співробітників НаУКМА
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27.12.24  |   NaUKMA students are invited to join the University of Toronto ONLINE 5th Annual Global Learning Case Competition
NaUKMA Bachelor and/or Master students are invited to participate in the University of Toronto 5th Annual Global Learning Case Competition (GLCC), happening virtually from February 18 to 20, 2025....
20.12.24  |   NaUKMA students invited to join the one-week Interdisciplinary College (IK) 2025 at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
NaUKMA Bachelor, Master or PhD students (for Bachelor and Master level - female students only, if students would leave for participation from Ukraine) are invited to join the one-week Interdisciplinary College (IK) 2025 at the University of Bielefeld, Germany in March 2025. Scholarship for participation is available. ...
16.12.24  |   Мобільність до European University Viadrina
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12.12.24  |   УВАГА! Терміновий набір на мобільність до Рурського університету, м. Бохум
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19.11.24  |   Мобільність до Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
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11.11.24  |   Мобільність до Institut Supérieur de l’Electronique et du Numérique Campus de Toulon
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11.11.24  |   Мобільність до Рурського університету, м. Бохум
До 25 листопада 2024 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Рурського університету, м. Бохум (Німеччина). Кому: бакалаврам, магістрам та аспірантам...
11.11.24  |   Мобільність до University of Saarland
До 25 листопада 2024 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Саарландського університету (м. Саарбрюкен, Німеччина) Кому: бакалаврам та магістрам НаУКМА. Доступні програми:...


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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