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21.07.17  |   Запрошення викладачів НаУКМА до участі у тренінгах в межах проекту MILETUS (Erasmus+, KA2, розвиток потенціалу вищої освіти)
Call for applications MILETUS training session
Staff training session on internationalization and mobility capacity,

MILETUS Erasmus+ KA1 CBHE project
Students' Mobility Capacity Building in Higher Education in Ukraine and Serbia / MILETUS

Erasmus+ KA 2 CD HE MILETUS project is aiming at students’ mobility capacity building at HEIs in Serbia and Ukraine while improving graduates’ employability chances and enhancing quality of PhD students’ research.

Among the project’s main objective are:
•Developing methodological framework for virtual and blended mobility runs encompassing guidance on best/good practices for key stakeholders (students, teaching and admin. staff of HEIs, public officers) at institutional and inter-institutional levels
•Improving students’ mobility governance at institutional level through Students’ Mobility Offices and trained teaching staff
•Developing mobility format enabling better social inclusion (students with disabilities) and underpin it with institutional solutions contributing to improved employability chances after graduation

Work Package 2 of the MILETUS project's task is to enable realization of virtual students’ mobility runs. Project participating HEIs’ (please find the list below) teaching staff in Ukraine and Serbia will be selected to guarantee accompanying students’ virtual mobility initiatives and production of online training sessions. Administrative staff represented by employees of International Relations Offices or Dean’s Offices currently responsible for students’ mobility initiatives and/or internationalization will be included to encompass all branches of the students’ mobility arrangement process.

Every PC HEIs will send out
- two teaching staff (preferably in operations management or similar research areas, i.e. supply chain and purchasing management, management of production systems and production quality management) and
- one administrative staff participants (with the ministries sending two staff representatives)
for participation in a five-day, 8 hours/day train-the-trainer session on building internationalization and mobility capacity.
Training will be conducted by the Partner Countries HEIs with consideration of good practices, shortcomings and potentials, students’ needs, wishes, and requirements, as well as the gaps to existing mobility programs, identified during the MILETUS WP1 implementation phase. Language of instruction - English.

Training sessions will be held at NaUKMA, Kyiv, Ukraine in September 2017.

Each of the teaching and administrative staff, interested in participation in the training session should submit the following documents
- application form
- curriculum vitae (obligatory)
- confirmation of good knowledge of English (confirmed by experience in international environment/courses attended in English/other experiences, obligatory)
- confirmations on previous experience in non-EU and EU projects (optional)
- confirmations on previous participation in the mobility projects (optional)
- confirmations on previous teaching / training experience abroad (optional).

Supporting documents should be sent to the respective university / institution representative:
- applicants from Mykolayiv National Agrarian University -
- applicants from Private Higher Education Institution Kharkiv University of Humanities -
- applicants from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy -
- applicants from Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University -
- applicants from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine -
- applicants from University of Nis -
- applicants from University of Novi Sad -
- applicants from Singidunum University -
- applicants from Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia -

Selection will made by each institution with consideration of the motivation letter, previous experience in non-EU and EU projects, mobility projects and teaching / training experience abroad.

Deadline for submitting the application and supporting documents is 26 August 2017.

More on the project can be found on the project webpage

This call was prepared as part of implementation of the Erasmus + KA 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education project MILETUS, Student’s Mobility Capacity Building in Higher Education in Ukraine and Serbia (GA No. 2016 – 2562 / 001 - 001), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by Hamburg University of Technology – TUHH, Germany.

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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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