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16.11.18  |   DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! Call for applications for PhD students for the blended mobility run within MILETUS Erasmus Plus Capacity Building in Higher Education project
ATTENTION!!! Deadline extended through 13 January 2019!!!

MILETUS project addresses capacity building in the field of mobility for students, including PhD students, from Serbia and Ukraine. This is the third Call for applications within the MILETUS project which is aimed at the mobility of PhD students. The proposed mobility program for PhD students combines both real and virtual mobility runs. The main objectives of the mobility program for PhD students are enhancing of research quality and development of transferable skills through interdisciplinary project based research topics. Blended mobility provides PhD students an opportunity for joint work with access to research materials and resources of host university in close collaboration with research fellows and professors of host universities.

About MILETUS blended mobility program for PhD students
- blended mobility run for PhD students from Ukraine and Serbia is a combination of virtual and real mobility run

- a total of 37 students from Partner Universities in Ukraine and Serbia
• National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
• Private Higher Education Institution Kharkiv University of Humanities, Kharkiv, Ukraine
• Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
• Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
• University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
• University of Nis, Nis, Serbia
• Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
will be selected for the blended mobility run

- the students from the Ukrainian universities can go to:
• University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
• University of Nis, Nis, Serbia
• Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
• Aalborg University, Denmark
• Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
• Politecnico di Milano, Italy

- the students from the Ukrainian universities can go to:
• National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
• Private Higher Education Institution Kharkiv University of Humanities, Kharkiv, Ukraine
• Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv, Ukraine
• Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine
• Aalborg University, Denmark
• Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
• Politecnico di Milano, Italy

- detailed information on the host faculties and research areas of the host universities within this Call Please check pages 4-24 of the document by the link.
IMPORTANT! Please try to approach this mobility from the interdisciplinary perspective - e.g. please do not look for the direct matching of your research topic or even your research discipline with the research topics suggested by the project partners. Please try to look at the topics supervisors at partners universities are working at from the point of view of your discipline; try to find the intersection, merging of the fields in the research question you would be interested to research during this blended mobility.

- the blended mobility run is divided into 3 phases:
Phase I (virtual): During the first preliminary phase students under the supervision of professors of host university should define the joint research topic, research methodology and expected results of the research (e.g. scientific papers, conference material etc.). PhD students will work in international and interdisciplinary groups of 2 -3 persons.
Phase II (real): During the second phase PhD students will travel to the host universities for 2 months for active cooperation with research fellows and professors of host universities. This allows the PhD students to experience exchange, to access research materials and resources and to conduct research activity at the host institution. ATTENTION!!! Mobility participants will receive grant of 50 Euro / day and 275 Euro for travel expenses during the Phase II (real mobility) of the mobility run, to support their stay at the partner university
Phase III (virtual): The third and final phase involves evaluation of the results and finalization of the joint paper.

Timescale of the blended mobility run for PhD students
- The duration of the blended mobility run is 5,5 months
- Planned period of the blended mobility is from January 2019 until June 2019 with real phase from March 2019 until April 2019
ATTENTION!!! Due to the application deadline extension the blended mobility run can be performed with some delay, e.g. real mobility can be implemented in April-May instead of March-April. Please mention in the application form, if this could create any problems for you!!!

Who can apply?
- full-time PhD student at the Partner Universities in Serbia and Ukraine
- candidates with high language proficiency in English (at least B2 – upper-intermediate level)
- candidates with high level of motivation to be enrolled in the blended mobility run.

How to apply?
Those PhD students interested in this blended mobility should submit:
1. Electronic application form
2. Motivation letter in English (max 1 page). Motivation letter should present reasoning to participate in the blended mobility run, the competencies and skills to be expected achieve, future perspectives and aspirations after mobility run)
3. Research proposal in English (max 3-5 pages). The structure of the research proposal is as follows: research field, title, short abstract, aims, theoretical framework and methodology, work plan, bibliographical references
4. Curriculum vitae (CV) in English
5. Enrollment certificate or similar document on current PhD student status issued by home institution in English or local language of your home institution (this document should contain the name of your institution, level of study, field of study, year of study)
6. List of research publications (desirable but not mandatory).
The documents 2-6 should be attached to the E-form

EXTENDED Deadline for applications: 13 January 2018

More information on the Call can be found by the link

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Посольство Франції в Україні пропонує стипендійну підтримку 3 (трьом) студентам НаУКМА для мобільності в Університет Париж 8, Венсен у Сен-Дені в осінньому семестрі 2024 році (вересень-січень).


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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