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15.06.22  |   Allegheny College Scholarships for Kyiv-Mohyla Students in 2022-23

Allegheny College, Pennsylvania, USA will fully fund up to 5 mobile students from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla during the 2022-2023 academic year. Students may choose to study for the full academic year or for either the Fall or Spring semesters.

Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA is a residential institution of higher education. Established in 1815, it grants undergraduate degrees (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences) in the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, or Interdisciplinary Studies. The College is home to approximately 1,500 students. It features small classes (the average is 11 students per class) and close student-faculty interactions.

Allegheny College is located in Meadville, Pennsylvania, a small city with a population of 12,600. The closest major city is Pittsburgh, which is 90 miles or 145 km south of Meadville. Allegheny offers transportation services to the Pittsburgh International Airport.

1. Duration of studies.
- The full academic year 2022-23 (Fall AND Spring Semesters, 30 August–20 December and 17 January–9 May)
- Fall 2022 Semester (30 August–20 December)
- Spring 2023 Semester (17 January–9 May)

2. Language Requirements.
English proficiency will be assessed through a remote interview.
Applicants can also submit valid TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores (if available). These are not required.

3. Courses and Areas of Study at Allegheny College.
Students may enroll in courses in the Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Interdisciplinary Studies, based on availability.

Information about academic programs and course offerings can be found here and here.

4. Financial Details.
Allegheny College will cover tuition for all students.
If students are able to pay for lodging, meals, health insurance, and fees we would ask that they do so. HOWEVER, no student will be rejected on this basis and these costs will be covered for students who are unable to pay.
Students should have $500 in personal spending money for each semester ($1,000 for the full academic year).
Students are responsible for transportation costs.

5. Immigration details.
Once students have completed the Allegheny College Exchange Student Application, and we have sent them the relevant paperwork (DS-2019), they will need to pay the SEVIS fee, and then apply for a nonimmigrant visa via Form DS-160 (J-1 visa).

NaUKMA selection deadline - 27 June 2022, 18:00 EEST

Interested candidates should fill in the application by the link.

Questions - Larysa Chovnyuk,

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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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