14.04.23 |
Сертифікатна програма Online Future Teaching Skills для викладачів українських університетів
The Center for Teaching and Learning of European University Viadrina offers a module-based certificate program "Online Future Teaching Skills" for teachers of Ukrainian universities.
The certificate "Online Future Teaching Skills" is a confirmation of qualification in didactic and digital competencies in higher education, which academic staff acquire after having completed three modules of the certificate program. In addition, participants will exchange knowledge with each other on innovative, diversity-focused, low-barrier online teaching and learning formats, activation methods and intensive teaching using writing.
Module 1: Getting started: "Designing your own Online Course" (8 units)
Participants will consider the main issues of teaching and learning. During the workshops there will be an opportunity to get familiar with didactic approaches, to analyze methodological tasks and put them into practise, as well as to exchange experiences and problems of teaching practice. The basics of higher education didactics and writing, teaching-learning theories, activating methods and Challenge Based Learning will be presented. There will be discussions on competency-based learning activities and successful lessons planning.
The participants are offered workshops on 4 main topics, each of which includes 4 units* or working units. Everyone chooses at lest two topics that are most relevant to their own context. Participants can attend all 4 workshops if they wish, but only two of the selected topics will be counted as part of the certificate.
*1 unit = 45 min.
Module 2: Development of individual subject areas (10 units)
Module 2 offers activities on various topics. The choice of individual workshops is related to the individual learning interests and needs of the participants with the aim of further self-development and improvement of personal pedagogical skills. In this module the participants of the certificate program complete a number of workshops with a total of 8 units.
*1 unit = 45 min.
Module 3: Practice module (16 units)
Participants design and then present their own plan for a learning session in the context of a specific course, which they themselves design, implement and evaluate. In addition, they write a reflection on their teaching concept and receive feedback from students as well as from experts from the Centre for Teaching and Learning.
- You can find the dates for the workshops in the REGISTRATION FORM. Please register for the workshop no later than the day before it takes place.
- Note that the following timetable is in Central European Time (CET). Please take into account the time difference.
- The day before the workshop we will send you an email with a zoom link.
- We kindly ask you to take your registration for the workshop seriously and try to attend the event. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know. We will try to record the workshops, but please be prepared that this will not always be possible.
- Some workshops have a limited number of participants, so first come, first served.
- We expect you to write a reflection on each workshop you have attended. Please note that it should not be a summary of the workshop but your reflections on it.
If you have any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via ua-digital@europa-uni.de.
Please note that participation in the programme is free of charge. We expect from you your active involvement and cooperation.
If you have already participated in the certificate programme last year, you can repeat it and select further workshops that might be helpful for your teaching work.

14.03.25 | |
Програма менторства для PhD студентів і молодих викладачів НаУКМА від ARQUS
Альянс європейських університетів ARQUS запрошує молодих PhD студентів і молодих викладачів/дослідників НаУКМА долучитися до програми менторства Arqus Mentoring Programme for Early-Stage Researchers 2025-2026 ...
14.03.25 | |
Семінари щодо особливостей застосування англійської мови при викладанні для ARQUS
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14.03.25 | |
Можливості вивчення і вдосконалення іноземних мов з ARQUS для студентів і співробітників НаУКМА
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11.03.25 | |
Мобільність до University of Helsinki
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Кому: бакалаврам та...
10.03.25 | |
Консультація щодо аплікування на мобільність
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10.03.25 | |
УВАГА! У зв'язку із короткими термінами для номінації Університету Торонто НаУКМА оголошує відбір студентів Могилянки до участі у мобільності....
09.03.25 | |
Британсько-українська програма академічного менторства відкрита для викладачів НаУКМА
Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" доєднався до Британсько-української програма академічного менторства (UK-Ukraine Academic Mentoring Scheme)!
Британсько-українська програма академічного менторства, ініційована Science for Ukraine-UK і підтримувана для викладачів НаУКМА Університетом Глазго, Шотландія, Велика Британія, багаторічним партнером НаУКМА – має на меті допомогти викладачам/ науковцям НаУКМА розібратися із низкою нюансів міжнародного академічного і наукового світу, зокрема Великої Британії....
27.02.25 | |
УВАГА! Мобільність до University of Bielefeld
До 01 квітня 2025 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Університету Білефельду (Німеччина) на осінній семестр 2025/26 н.р.
Тривалість програми:...
14.02.25 | |
Мобільність до University of Gent
До 15 березня 2025 року включно відкрита можливість аплікувати до Гентського університету (Бельгія).
Кому: бакалаврам, магістрам і аспірантам НаУКМА.
Доступні програми: Курси...
14.02.25 | |
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Кому: магістрам та...
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded
2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests