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23.05.23  |   CIVICA European Week, Sciences Po, Paris - шукаємо студентів Могилянки для участі
The CIVICA European Week 2023 "Ecological Transitions: Cities on the frontline" will take place between 27-30 June at Sciences Po in Paris and invites students from the CIVICA for Ukraine project (which includes NaUKMA) to join!

Content of the Week - by the link

Participants of the Week
- 80 bachelor students from CIVICA European Alliance partners, Bocconi, CEU, IE University, SNSPA, Sciences Po, SGH, SSE and LSE
- 10 Ukrainian bachelor students (including 2 students from NaUKMA) can join thanks to the CIVICA for Ukraine project, coordinated by SGH Warsaw School of Economics (therefore travel via Warsaw is required, please check "Logistics" section)

The Week is designed by the Sciences Po Undergraduate College and the Sciences Po Urban School, the CIVICA European Week constitutes an excellent opportunity for students to explore the existent (and the future) pathways to urban sustainability. Expected students' specialization: sustainable development,  ecological transition and/or urban economics 

Requirements for participation:
- currently Bachelor level of studies at NaUKMA;
- students should currently stay in Ukraine and travel to Ukraine (additionally the possibility of joining for NaUKMA students, who are in Paris, therefore do need costs for travel and accommodation is considered)
- travel to Paris should be done via Warsaw as explained in the "Logistics" section
- good level of English;
- obligatory active participation in lectures, workshops and other events organized within the framework of the European Week;
- students who have not completed courses in sustainable development,  ecological transition and/or urban economics yet are advised to prepare for the European Week;
- active sharing in social media and dissemination in the Ukrainian University media – hashtag #CIVICA4Ukraine, @NAWA, @SGH, @CIVICA (other details will be provided later by the organizers)

Expected logistics (obligatory for implementation):
- Arrival to Warsaw from Ukraine (organized by students individually) – 25.06 (Sunday morning – delay at the border)
- 26 May:
*Breakfast in the hotel
*8.00 - Orientation meeting in SGH / Alternatively on Sunday at 17.00
(depending on the departure of Ukrainian students, tbc)
*9.30 - Visit to Santander Bank and money collection (pl. Zbawiciela 2),
if needed currency exchange to Euro
*Individual transfer to the airport and departure to Paris
Suggested options for 26.06 (not Ryaniar!) – better LOT in case of
AirFrance: 16.15 – 18.40; 19.50 – 22.15;
LOT: 16.25 – 18.55; 20.15 – 22.45

- Return from Paris: 1 July 2023 [Saturday] tbc (all participants leave on 30th June)

ATTENTION! Travel to from Ukraine to Warsaw and back, as well as from Warsaw to Paris and back should be planed and purchased by Ukrainian students themselves (from the travel costs please see section "Financial conditions" below ) and agreed with SGH.

Financial conditions:
- Travel costs Ukraine - Warsaw - Paris and back and insurance: 3000 PLN (flight) + 150 PLN (local transportation) – to receive in cash in Warsaw on 26th June
- 1 night in Warsaw (25/26 June) will be booked and paid by SGH directly
- Hotel/hostel in Paris will be booked and covered by SGH and Sciences Po directly
- Meals are covered

ATTENTION! As participants are required to travel from Ukraine only, we unfortunately can't support participation of male students.

Interested NaUKMA students should fill in the form by 18:00 on 25 May at the latest

Questions - Larysa Chovnyuk,

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24.09.24  |   Вивчення англійської мови на платформі "English4Ukraine" для студентів, викладачів і співробітників НаУКМА
За підтримки проєкту "Twinning Initiative", який сприяє співробітництву між університетами України і Великої Британії і компанії Reallyenglish студенти, викладачі і співробітники НаУКМА можуть отримати 120-денний доступ до курсів англійської мови, розміщених на платформі English4Ukraine. Проект доступу до курсів для українських студентів, викладачів і співробітників адмініструє Маріупольський державний університет.


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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