16.07.23 |
CIVICA STAFF VISITS for the NAUKMA faculty and administrative staff members
As part of the NAUKMA cooperation with CIVICA European universities alliance and CIVICA for Ukraine project, coordinated by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, implementation, 3 (three) NaUKMA academic staff members and 1 (one) administrative staff member are invited to visit CIVICA partner universities from September to mid December 2023. .
Staff visits program will be held under NAWA funding to support CIVICA-Ukraine collaborative activities, develop further or establish new scientific and administrative connections.
Output of the Staff visits program – “Good practices in CIVICA universities”
The outcome of the study visits will be the preparation of a set of good practices that can serve the wider Ukrainian university community, both in university management and academic work, and administrative processes related to student education, research and international cooperation.
Researcher or staff member will have to prepare the description of any good practice(s) in the hosting CIVICA member university in e.g.:
(1) planning better of scientific research, as well as in
(2) the organization of university management and
(3) the implementation of the main goals for managing the education workflow and international cooperation.
A description of a good practice will be a part of the agreement and has to be submitted within 2 weeks after the end of the visit.
Host institutions and numbers of the visits
There are 3 groups of the visits, depending on the duration:
1) 30-day visit, 1 slot for NaUKMA, open to to European University Institute, Italy (EUI) or Sciences Po, France only. ATTENTION! Due to the strategic partnership development between the NaUKMA and Sciences Po the preference will be given to Sciences Po.
2-3)14-day or 7-day visits:
- for researchers: Bocconi University, Italy (14 days), SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland (14 days), Hertie School, Germany (7 days), IE University, Spain (7 days), Central European University, Austria (7 days), London School of Economics, the UK (7 days) - 2 slots for NaUKMA
- for administrative staff: SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland (14 days), Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden(7 days), Central European University, Austria (7 days) - 1 slot for NaUKMA
NAUKMA staff profile expectation
ATTENTION! Please notice that if some of the CIVICA institutions are open to the scholars / administrative staff from any fields, others have defined their units / profile of the incoming NaUKMA staff, they would be ready to host.
ATTENTION! You are advised to choose 2 institutions, as the project can't guarantee your placement at the institution of your 1st choice.
Sciences Po, Paris: Oct - Nov 2023, topics to be suggested by Ukrainian partner, according to the University profile.
European University Institute, Florence: Sep – Dec 2023, Economics Department; Robert Schuman Centre; History Department; Department of Law; Political and Social Sciences
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy: Sep-Mid Dec 2023, BLEST - Bocconi Lab in European Studies; a focus area on Ukraine (providing information to those fleeing the conflict and arriving in Italy and a research and dissemination element where we provide non-technical information on the war and its consequences.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland: Sep – Nov 2023, International collaboration – the SGH International Office/job shadowing; according to the University profile.
Hertie School, Berlin, Germany: Sep-Nov 2023, staff profile: public sector management, digitalisation of digital sector/regulation of digital sector, int. security (in particular nuclear security), fundamental rights, environmental economics, data science, European governance.
Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden: Sep-Nov 2023, staff profile: higher education sector/job shadowing.
IE University, Madrid: according to the University profile.
Central European University, Vienna, Austria: according to the University profile.
London School of Economics, London, the UK: according to the University profile.
Financial conditions
All the costs will be covered by SGH Warsaw School of Economics, within CIVICA for Ukraine NAWA funding, based on the agreement for expenses reimbursement to be signed before the visit.
Travel and accommodation to be arranged by the staff themselves.
Travel costs: 3000 PLN as a lump sum.
Accommodation + subsistence, depending on the number of days (+2 days for trip):
7 days - 5680 zł, 14 days – 8450 zł, 30 days - 12 000 zł
Payment: 30% of the total sum will be pre-paid before the visit (two weeks before the visit) + 40% on the first day of the staff visit + 30% after the visit on the bank account
Requirements for bank account: bank account in EUR or PLN or Revolut
Deadlines and application details
for 30-day visits – 29 July 2023
for 14/7 day visits – 1 September 2023
Application forms:
- for 30-day visits, academic staff only
- for 14- and 7-da visits, academic and administrative staff
Questions - Larysa Chovnyuk, larch@ukma.edu.ua

14.03.25 | |
Програма менторства для PhD студентів і молодих викладачів НаУКМА від ARQUS
Альянс європейських університетів ARQUS запрошує молодих PhD студентів і молодих викладачів/дослідників НаУКМА долучитися до програми менторства Arqus Mentoring Programme for Early-Stage Researchers 2025-2026 ...
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11.03.25 | |
Мобільність до University of Helsinki
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09.03.25 | |
Британсько-українська програма академічного менторства відкрита для викладачів НаУКМА
Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" доєднався до Британсько-української програма академічного менторства (UK-Ukraine Academic Mentoring Scheme)!
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27.02.25 | |
УВАГА! Мобільність до University of Bielefeld
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Тривалість програми:...
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Мобільність до University of Gent
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Доступні програми: Курси...
14.02.25 | |
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Кому: магістрам та...
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded
2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests