News & Events
29.02.24  |   ТЕРМІНОВО! Study in Canada Scholarship for mobility to the University of Toronto

NaUKMA students can applly for the Study in Canada Scholarships for the non-degree studies/mobility at the Univeristy of Toronto in the 2024-2025 academic year (fall semester 2024 or full academic year 2025). The application deadline for eligible applicants to submit their applications to the University of Toronto (NOT directly to the is March 5th, 2024 (ET).

Study in Canada Scholarships aim to increase opportunities for Canadian post-secondary institutions to welcome international students from a wide range of countries and territories on short-term exchanges for study or research.

Applicants must be:

✔ a citizen of an eligible country/territory

o Asia: Bangladesh, Nepal, Taiwan

o Europe: Türkiye, Ukraine

o Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia

o Sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

✔ a student enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in an eligible country/territory

Scholarship Value and Duration, please check the link
- УВАГА! НаУКМА має договір з Університетом Торонто про обмін студентами (договір є обов'язковою умовою для подання заявок) за спеціальностями, які охоплюють UofT Faculty of Arts and Sciences, просимо уважно перевіряти
- УВАГА! НаУКМА віддаватиме перевагу студент(к)ам програм бакалаврату, мобільність на 1 семестр (4 місяці). При цьому Університет Торонто розглядає можливість мобільності ЛИШЕ на осінь 2024 АБО на навчальний рік 2024/25. Можливість поїздки ЛИШЕ на весняний семестр 2025 відсутня
- УВАГА! На жаль, шанси бути номінованими на програму на рівні магістратури доволі обмежені
- УВАГА! На момент поїздки Ви маєте залишатися у НаУКМА у тому самому статусі, що і зараз, тобто студентами програм бакалаврату, магістратури.
- Студенти, котрі зараз на випускному році навчання, ПОДАВАТИСЯ НЕ МОЖУТЬ
- Студенти, які на момент поїздки будуть на 4-му році навчання можуть подавати ВИКЛЮЧНО на осінній семестр

ATTENTION!!! This is NOT amymore a special program for the NaUKMA students. Therefore you can find the UofT general details for exchange students by the link.
Please also notice that accomocation:
- is not provided
- is not guaranteed, e.g., the students should look for it independently (details are here) and to pay from the grant money.

Study in Canada Scholarships Application:

Interested NaUKMA students should complete their scholarship applications following the Global Affairs Canada Scholarship Application Process page.

Applicants are requested to
1) complete the intake form and
2) submit their supporting documents, mentioned here (undergraduate students should not submit the letter from the UofT supervisor!)
to by March 5th, 2024 (ET).

- You can request the confirmation of your NaUKMA studies via the link (it is strongly recomended to do that today, 29 February 2024), if not please send a special request to Viktoriia Kobernyk, along with copleteing the form

- You should request your Letter of Support from NaUKMA by contacting Larysa Chovnyuk, not later than 11:00 Kyiv time 5 March 2024. Please use the subject "UofT_Letter of Support from Home Institution" (letters with different subject will not be considered). Please send the Letter of Intent along with your request. Please notice that NaUKMA reserves the right not to issue the support letter, if your Letter of Intent will be recognised of extremely low quality

- Contact person at NaUKMA -
Larysa Chovnyuk
Head, International Office
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
2 Skovorody street,
Kyiv 04070 Ukraine
tel/fax: +38 044 425 77 70

- Please notice that you could be requested to submit additional documents at the later stage, therefore please check all the details here (OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION > Requierements), particularly regarding the Academic requirements, Language requirements and Visa requirements (no new CUAET applications are possible!)

- Please notice the Q&A section, before contacting the NaUKMA International Office

PS Просимо зауважити, що спеціальної програми програми мобільності до Університету Торонто, для студентів НаУКМА, 2024-25 навчального року не очікується

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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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