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26.03.24  |   College of Europe Natolin Fellowship Programme – for young professionals from Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia

The College of Europe Natolin Fellowship Programme is funded by the EU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania as part of and in the framework of the project EU4YOUTH – Phase III Youth Employment, and Entrepreneurship programme Scholarship Scheme for Eastern Partners at the College of Europe in Natolin ("EU4Youth-Natolin4EaP", Grant Agreement concluded in 2021).

The Natolin Fellowship Programme is a new 8-month non-degree professional development programme, which can facilitate the development of professional skills, enhance employability of young professionals and their personal development, and ultimately expose them to different views and knowledge-sharing, taking whenever possible young people with fewer opportunities.

Concurrently, it is designed to reinforce European Union’s efforts to support Ukraine and Moldova who have already started their EU accession negotiations, as well as Georgia who has been granted a candidate status. This Programme embodies a perfect platform for aspiring young professionals to contribute to the progress of their countries by building human capital.

The offer of the Natolin Fellowship Programme comprises:

- An 8 month-long non-degree professional and employability-oriented programme for young people coming from Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, tailored for individuals with a robust educational and professional interest in European affairs; the Programme will be divided into two phases and supported by dedicated mentors:
*knowledge and skills-based modules in traditional, blended, and e-learning formats;
*and an internship/traineeship, in virtual or blended formats, for a hands-on practical perspective in a dedicated professional environment;
- Financial support for all admitted participants in the form of dedicated scholarships.

The objectives of the Programme are, among many other goals, to:

- offer young professionals (including scholars) a varied programme that includes professional skills workshops, knowledge-based modules, language courses, mentoring and traineeship opportunities to support them develop soft skills and most importantly to enhance employability;
- provide access to relevant networking opportunities;
- more horizontally, contribute to the process of further European integration of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia;
- provide young professionals from Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia with an opportunity to embed their research in the context of European affairs from perspectives of various disciplines in a safe, academic, and technologically well-equipped environment;
- support people with fewer opportunities who are at a disadvantage compared to their peers because they face one or more of the seven exclusion factors, for instance: disability and health problems, cultural differences, economic obstacles, social obstacles or geographic obstacles, barriers referring to discrimination. Please get familiar with example definitions provided by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ Programme.

Eligibility and Financial Support
Here are the eligibility requirements that must be fulfilled in order to be qualified for the Natolin Fellowship Programme:

- Nationality: The Programme is open to citizens up to 35 years old coming from Ukraine, Moldova, or Georgia. Double citizenship cases will be reviewed additionally.
- Academic status: The Applicant must be enrolled in a PhD programme or be a recent graduate of a PhD programme in Ukraine, Moldova, or Georgia within 12 months from the graduation day.
- Relevant university degree: The Applicant should hold Bologna Master’s degree or equivalent (240 ECTS); in case of PhD graduates, one must hold a Doctoral degree awarded by universities or other educational institutions in Ukraine, Moldova, or Georgia. This may include joint or double Master’s / Doctoral degree programmes developed by universities from Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia in cooperation with other institutions in Europe.
- Language proficiency: The Applicant should be an independent English speaker (at least B1 level or higher, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR));
- Academic background: The Applicant should pursue a degree / career in European affairs, political science, international relations, economics, law, history, journalism, languages (although, applicants with other academic profiles, e.g., STEAM-related disciplines may also be considered).
- Areas of interest: The Applicant should have a strong interest in the European Union and European affairs, policies, and relations with the neighbourhood, the transformation of Eastern Partnership (EaP), relations between the countries of the EaP, etc.
- Availability: The Natolin Fellowship Programme is planned to be launched at the turn of June / July 2024 and will last until January / February 2025 (around 8 months). The participants are required to be available in person for the whole duration of the Programme.

Financial Support

A scholarship-stipend of 1 197 EUR per month for an eight-month period will be provided to each admitted participant; the total amount will be 9 576 EUR (contribution to subsistence costs, other allowances, and related personnel income taxes if applicable).

It is expected of all admitted participants to make their own arrangements for the board and lodging. Meanwhile, the College of Europe in Natolin will notify in advance, if available, of the possibilities and conditions of using the student residences and student restaurant services.

The travel costs to and from home countries will be co-financed through a travel allowance in the amount not exceeding 530 EUR. *

* The unit rate is determined by taking into account the travel distance of each participant (referring to the Erasmus+ scheme). The distance calculator provided by the European Commission must be used by the applicants to identify the distance between their place of current residence and the venue of the Fellowship: Warsaw.

Up to 1 000 EUR will be awarded to each admitted participant as an allowance for attending an international conference and / or local field / research trips.

Insurance costs for the whole duration of the Programme will be covered by the College of Europe in Natolin.

All admitted participants will have a dedicated training and comfortable and well-equipped office space for implementation of programme activities.

Application (please check the link)

Deadline - 10 May 2024


Read more about the College of Europe

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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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