As of January 2024, NaUKMA is implementing the following Erasmus+ KA 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education
• BACE, Building Academic
Capacity in
Global Health in the Eastern Europe - Central Asia Region
BACE's overall objective is to enable three EECA countries – Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine –
to build capacity
of their higher education systems in order to integrate Global Health (GH) into their academic programmes. This
will be achieved through the development of technical knowledge among partner HEIs in priority GH topics and GH
research methods, capacity building of academic staff in pedagogical and methodological approaches for designing
and delivering new curricula, jointly developing new GH courses, and the forging and reinforcement of
collaborative links between HEIs and non-academic organisations in Partner Countries and Programme
Projects years: 2021-2024
Coordinator at NaUKMA - Tetiana Yurochko, NaUKMA School of Health Care,
Completed projects (since 2015):
• DocHub, Structuring
cooperation in doctoral research, transferable skills training, and academic writing
instruction in Ukraine's regions
This project aims to accelerate national implementation of Bologna-style 3rd cycle programs in Ukraine by
building enabling structures (MinEdu regulations and university-level Codes of Practice), and to aggregate
critical mass (integrating the resources of Academy of Sciences
research institutes and the teaching and research capacities of universities) for PhD education. Within the
lifetime of the project, inter-HEI cooperation in PhD training is to become institutionalized through
the creation of research training clusters focused on university-based hubs (Doctoral Schools / DocHubs) that
provide teaching and administrative infrastructure in 5 regional centers: west, center, east, south, and
south-east. Teaching in each DocHub will focus on a specialty subject area, and on transferable skills (e.g.
presentations, project management, etc.), and on academic writing for publication. The course curricula and
trainings will be delivered in a blended learning format enabling flexibility and distance learning, thus
increasing the geographic catchment areas of each DocHub. The adoption of appropriate regulatory documents by
cluster participants (and their agreement with MinEdu and other Ministries) will enable licensing and
accreditation of joint PhD programs and PhD programs with transfer credit components, and financial transfer of
state funds between HEIs.
Projects years: 2016-2020
Coordinator at NaUKMA - Luidmyla Kryvoruchka, Director of the NaUKMA Yuchymenko Family Doctoral School,
• MILETUS, Students' Mobility
Capacity Building in Higher Education in Ukraine and Serbia
The MILETUS project addresses capacity building in the field of virtual, real and blended mobility runs (MR) at
Serbian and Ukraine Higher Education Institutions (HEI). By creating the necessary governance at ministerial and
institutional level, MILETUS achieves the improvement of employment opportunities for Master's graduates in
internationally active companies and the quality enhancement of PhD students’ research, and thus their
contribution to high quality research in the partner countries.
Project years: 2016-2019
Coordinator at NaUKMA - Larysa Chovnyuk, International Office,
• BIHSENA, Bridging Innovations, Health and Societies
The BIHSENA project aims to respond to a lack of education opportunities in the interdisciplinary area of
health, innovations and society in the two countries of Russia and Ukraine, and to bridge a gap between
(bio)medical and social scientists, academics and practitioners in these two countries as well as between local
and international communities. The need for such education and interdisciplinary/cross-sectorial engagements is
urgent against the background of healthcare systems transformation and attempts to find innovative solutions for
persisting health problems in the Eastern European neighboring areas.
Projects years: 2015-2018
Coordinator at NaUKMA - Tetiana Chernysh, Department of Sociology, MP Management in Health Care,
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded
2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests