News & Events
14.05.05  |   Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University
Deadline: June 1, 2005 Amsterdam, the Netherland Innovative Strategies in International Cultural Cooperation 23-25 August, 2005 International Production Management 28-31 August 2005 Risk Communication:...
14.05.05  |   May 24 - LECTURE by Mykola Ryabchuk and MEETING WITH students from Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland
Dear students and professors, we invite you to visit LECTURE “The Unsettled Identity or Issue and Prospects for Russia – Ukraine Reconciliation” by Mykola...
12.05.05  |   MEDIA DAY with students from ALLEGHENY COLLEGE (PA, USA) in their Study Abroad Program “Transition from Communism: a Case Study of Ukraine”
Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism Department for Foreign Cooperation invite NaUKMA students to visit MEDIA DAY with students from ALLEGHENY COLLEGE (PA, USA) Political Science Department Center for...
10.05.05  |   Ознайомча поїздка у ЧОРНОБИЛЬСЬКУ ЗОНУ ВІДЧУЖЕННЯ
1 ЧЕРВНЯ 2005 Р. ГРУПА АМЕРИКАНСЬКИХ СТУДЕНТІВ, котрі перебуватимуть на навчанні у НаУКМА,матиме ознайомчу поїздку у
10.05.05  |   Лекція: Стандартизовані тести TOEFL/ GRE/ GMAT
Стандартизовані тести
середа, 25травня, о 17.00
Американська бібліотека...
07.05.05  |   DO YOU SPEAK JAPANESE?Japanese-Language Program for Overseas Students 2005
his program is intended to offer outstanding students of Japanese language at universities, colleges, and educational institutions abroad the opportunity to visit Japan and to deepen their knowledge of Japanese language, society, and culture for the purpose or further encouragement of their study....
06.05.05  |   June 7th - Public presentation French CNRS “ Centre national de la recherche scientifique”
French Embassy in Ukraine Kyiv National Taras Shevtchenko University National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Public presentation French CNRS “Centre national de la recherche...
05.05.05  |   Програма стажування у Польщі залишила багато позитивних вражень.
Програма стажування у Польщі, організована польсько-американським Фондом Свободи та Фондом Освіти для Демократії, в якій я брала участь у жовтні...
05.05.05  |   CALL FOR PAPERS "Global Islamic Terrorism or the Search For a New UMMA" with the aim to encouraging the professional interest of scholars, NGOs, IGOs, and practitioners in the prevention of conflict in multiethnic and multireligious society
The international journal Research Papers, University in Bihac is making preparations for its special issue: GLOBAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM OR THE SEARCH FOR A NEW UMMA...
04.05.05  |   Sociology in English at Collegium Civitas. Two-Year MA Program
The program allows selecting from among the two following specializations: 1. Sociology of citizenship. It emphasizes political sociology, sociology of civil,...
Сторінка 63 з 74 << < 1 ... 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ... 74 > >> 


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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