News & Events
06.03.05  |   Можливості СТАЖУВАННЯ радіо-та тележурналістів від посольства Німеччини в Україні
Посольство Німеччини в Україні пропонує українським радіо-журналістам 2- 4-місячну практику в українській і російській редакціях Німецької Хвилі...
03.03.05  |   Студенти та викладачі НаУКМА 4 березня запрошуються на зустріч з ПРЕМЄР-МІНІСТРОМ Польщі Мареком Бєлькою
У рамках робочого візиту до України у пятницю, 4 березня, з 9:30 до 10:45, у НаУКМА - зустріч Премєр-міністра...
03.03.05  |   4 March 2005 - joint project of the NaUKMA and Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Rome, Italy)
Seminar-discussion to be held on March 4, 4:30 pm, NaUKMA Assembly Hall (NaUKMA Building 1, room 217, Kontraktova ploscha) ...
19.02.05  |   Scholarships from World Bank member countries to undertake GRADUATE studies at universities renowned for their development research and teaching.
The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides annual awards to cover the cost of completing a masters degree or its equivalent. ...
17.02.05  |   Media Plan Institute (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is searching for EXPERTS
Media Plan Institute is searching for different type of experts for possible engagement in EU short term projects in the region of South East Europe....
16.02.05  |   SUMMER SYMPOSIUM for Graduate Students presents six-day program in Washington, DC
Now in its sixteenth year, the WIIS Summer Symposium is an intensive six-day program in Washington, DC comprising seminars on security issues with leading policy experts, career development workshops, a crisis simulation, student research presentations, and unique networking opportunities....
15.02.05  |   Ignatz Bubis Memorial Scholarship Fund grants scholarships for students who study in MA and PhD programs and who wish to pursue Jewish Studies, preceded by/combined with Hebrew language studies, at Tel Aviv University.
The study/research of applicants may refer to any topic in the field of Judaism, Jewish History, Jewish Culture and Israeli Studies....
11.02.05  |   Erasmus Mundus Programme invites you to receive Master of Science (MSc) degrees from CEU, Lund University and the University of Manchester - HOT DEADLINES!!!!
The 2-year (120 ECTS) program is delivered in English and includes three terms of taught courses followed by a fourth research term. ...
09.02.05  |   Зустріч з паном Луісом Гомесом де Аренда і Війєн, Надзвичайним і Повноважним Послом Королівства Іспанія в Україні 22 лютого
Шановні студенти та викладачі Могилянки! 22 лютого, у вівторок, о 13:30, в 4 корпусі, 410 ауд. Відбудеться зустріч з паном Луісом Гомесом де Аренда...
08.02.05  |   Department for Foreign Cooperation invites you to visit Presentation-Workshop “I Want To Study This SUMMER!” - February 23, 3 p.m.
International Summer Educational Programs: Variety of Possibilities Where: NaUKMA Building 4, Room 425. When: February 23, Wednesday, 3 p.m....
Сторінка 67 з 74 << < 1 ... 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ... 74 > >> 


About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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