News & Events
08.02.05  |   International Research Conference "Market Power and Competition Policy in Former Soviet Union Countries" on February 25 and 26
On behalf of the Economics Education and Research Consortium (EERC) and the Economic Research and Outreach Center (EROC), you are...
02.02.05  |   Вас приваблює ФРАНЦІЯ? Ви володієте французькою мовою та прагнете отримати якісну освіту? Уряд ФРАНЦІЇ на 2005 – 2006 н.р. пропонує низку СТИПЕНДІЙ!
Посольство Франції в Україні пропонує такі стипендії: для навчання на магістеріумі у Франції з будь-якої дисципліни; для роботи у Франції над дисертацією під спільним науковим керівництвом; за програмою КОПЕРНИК для молодих інженерів та економістів. Необхідно добре володіти французькою мовою і мати не більше 30 років, а також самотужки знайти французький навчальний заклад та отримати запрошення....
02.02.05  |   VACANCY for you - United Nations in Ukraine - International Organization for Migration!
Construction Consultant (expires: 18 February 2005) Position Title: Construction Consultant Classification: Employee Type of Appointment: One Year Fixed-Term Contract (three-month probation) Organizational...
31.01.05  |   Would you like to discuss the hottest issues brought about by the EU enlargement? Do you like to travel and meet new people? Participate in European Spring Institute 2005!
Two full-fledged academic courses will be taught during the nine-day intensive spring program. The first part of the program will focus on the main aspects of European integration and evolution of the EU institutions. The future of enlarged European Union and the need for the EU institutional overhaul will be also addressed. The second part will discuss the role of the separate EU actors in the decision making process and lobbying mechanisms deployed. ...
30.01.05  |   CEU (Hungary, Budapest) encourages Ph.D. STUDENTS, postdoctoral fellows, junior researchers to visit SUMMER UNIVERSITY!
The Summer University was established as a vehicle for helping young faculty, researchers and professionals by promoting academic cooperation and curriculum development in the social sciences and humanities....
20.01.05  |   Are you a student studying a CREATIVE MAJOR? Scholz & Friends Scholarship (500 Euro per month) for Creative Excellence 2005
For the fourth time, the international agency network Scholz & Friends is offering a European scholarship to the finest up-and-coming talent. ...
19.01.05  |   Let your IMAGINATION run wild by designing a POSTER - Interesting Competition "DESIGN AGAINST FUR 2005"
Students are invited to participate in the 2005 poster design competition. Let your imagination run wild by designing a creative, effective poster sending an important, compassionate message....
17.01.05  |   What about one-year taught postgraduate courses of study at the University of Cambridge? OSI Chevening Cambridge Scholarships in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The Cambridge Overseas Trust offers a number of scholarships to enable students of outstanding academic merit from Ukraine to pursue one-year taught postgraduate courses of study at the University of Cambridge in subjects relevant to the needs of their countries....
07.01.05  |   February 8-9, 2005 .YOUR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN SWEDEN: Individual and Institutional Projects. PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS
Organizers: Department for Education and Research, Visby Programme, Sweden
Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine
Department for Foreign Cooperation, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
02.01.05  |   American Studies Summer Institutes 2005: opportunity to strengthen curricula and to improve the quality of teaching! DEADLINE: February 11.
American Studies Institutes are six-week academic seminars whose purpose is to provide participants with a deeper understanding of American life and institutions. ...
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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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