News & Events
16.11.04  |   You can win INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR POETRY (in Ukrainian with Italian Translation)
The Centre for Young People and Poetry is promoting the 14th edition of the above International Prize.
05.11.04  |   Cтуденти БАКАЛАВРАТУ 4 р. н., які мають гарні знання з МАТЕМАТИКИ! Спеціально для Вас (а також магістрів 1 та 2 р.н.) чудова можливість отримати (не маючи навіть магістерського диплому) PhD Central European University
Department of Mathematics and its Applications
Degrees offered: Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Its Applications (PhD)...
04.11.04  |   Central European University (CEU, Budapest) Master and PhD Programs available!!!
CEU is the most popular destination of the international Master studies for the NaUKMA BA/BS graduates!!!...
02.11.04  |   8th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) invites researchers and practitioners to submit PAPERS till December 1.
The Program Committee particularly encourages presentations of practical papers on industrial experience or on the validation of prototype implementations. ...
28.10.04  |   До уваги БАКАЛАВРІВ 4 р. н. !!! OSI/FCO CHEVENING SCHOLARSHIPS - MASTER degree at the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. Deadline: November 26, 2004
The International Renaissance Foundation welcomes applications from citizens of Ukraine for the OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarships 2005-2006, which are jointly funded by the Open Society Institute and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. ...
26.10.04  |   Стипендії ДААД для студентів, аспірантів, науковців на навчання у вузах Німеччини. Deadline: 20 листопада 2004!!!
ДААД в Україні пропонує низку стипендій для студентів, аспірантів та науковців різних спеціальностей на навчання у Німеччині...
22.10.04  |   Department is looking for young PROFESSIONALS to join its TEAM!!!
У зв’язку із розширенням
напрямків міжнародної діяльності НаУКМА
відділ міжнародного співробітництва
для роботи на посаді
19.10.04  |   Студенти МАГІСТЕРІУМУ! Для Вас пропонується програма Muskie! Deadline: November 19, 2004
The program provides opportunities for graduate students and professionals for one-year non-degree, one-year degree or two-year degree study in the United States. Four fellows will receive longer fellowships, pursue doctoral studies, and receive a PhD....
18.10.04  |   Шановні КАНДИДАТИ НАУК та ВИКЛАДАЧІ! Можливість протягом літнього місяця відвідати Cambridge or Oxford colleges! Deadline: November 5, 2004
Oxford and Cambridge universities invite applications from scholars from selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, including Ukraine, who wish to work in the universities libraries or to contact academic specialists in their subjects. ...
11.10.04  |   Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program (former FSA). Deadline: November 12, 2004
The Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program provides opportunities for first-, second-, and third-year undergraduate students for one year of full-time, non-degree study in the United States. ...
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About NaUKMA
1615 - Kyiv-Mohyla brotherhood school, later turned into Collegium, was founded

2012 - NaUKMA is a classical university with six faculties (Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Computer Sciences, Natural Sciences). During the twenty years since its re-establishment, Academy has initiated reforms in higher education, was the first university in Ukraine to introduce the bachelor, master and PhD programs, a curriculum in Liberal Arts Education, and a system of entrance tests

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